Car & Van Servicing
Car & Van Servicing.
Car & Van Servicing @ AutoBoz Drogheda we service all makes and models of cars and vans. With our standard service we check and adjust/change the following.
Change the following…
- Engine Oil
- Oil Filter
- Air Filter
- Spark Plugs
Check and adjust the following…
- All fluid levels
- Tyre Pressure
- Handbreak
- Battery condition
- Wiper blades
- Coolant
Car & Van Servicing
How often should car servicing be done?
Car & Van Servicing. Modern cars should be serviced every six months or 10,000km, whichever comes first.
Do cars and vans need to serviced every year?
The majority of manufacturers recommend having a full car service once a year or every 19,000 Km, whichever comes first.